Isla McLaughlin, girl, online

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girl, online is unapologetically accusatory; a measured analysis of the never-ending contradictions and consequences of being chronically online. It’s for an audience that is self-aware that their ethos is slowly slipping and are embarrassed it’s because of something as seemingly insignificant as social media. Late-nineties and early-aughts babies will be transported to the spaces that defined their existence online through internet colloquialisms and unbridled confessions. Things like cancel culture, sugar daddies, viral trends, femcels, Instagram poets, and everything else that can quickly turn insufferable, are examined with a sleight of hand that slowly tilts a mirror toward the author … and the audience.

Printed in a limited run of fifty copies at Product Photo in Toronto, this chapbook has a cover designed by Alysha Dawn. Typeset by Dani Spinosa.

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